Minimal invasive spine surgery leads to fast recovery and makes patient walking after
surgery within 24 hours. In fact in minimally invasive surgery and microendoscopic surgery and minimal invasive spinal fusion results in early return to work without any need of bed rest
after surgery.
After surgery patient is mobilized out of bed within 24 hours, and pain medications is continued for 5 days. After the surgery, general do’s and don’ts instructions are given about. With
Minimal Invasive spine surgery patient can go home within 48 hrs and can resume job within 2 weeks however Contact sports is generally avoided for 6-10 weeks.
One should follow:-
- follow your doctor’s treatment plan
- sit and stand properly and maintain posture
- learn to lift correctly
- exercise regularly (low impact aerobic exercise is especially good, but check with your doctor first)
- attain and maintain a healthy body weight
- eat healthy foods (a well-balanced, low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables) and get enough calcium
- stop smoking
Vishal Kundnani is the best minimal
invasive spine surgeon for spinal fusion surgery
and best microscopic / best endoscopic spine
surgeon in mumbai for spinal stenosis surgery.
Vishal Kundnani often performs
navigation spine surgery and is best specialist
in robotic spine surgery in Mumbai.